Thursday, June 9, 2011


Aurora. Aurora telenovela tells the story of the life of a 19-year-old girl in New York City. The girl's name is the same as the title of this telenovela, namely Aurora, the full Aurora Ponce de León, played by (Sara Maldonado) and is a dancer. Aurora had two companions, they are Vanessa Miller (Vanessa Pose) and Natalia Suarez (Talina Duclaud). Aurora and two of her friends are close friends, they often travel together, including to New York Scholl of the Arts.

Friendship Aurora and two of her friends, went smoothly. Until one night, when they went to a bar after dance practice, Aurora met with Lorenzo Lobos (Eugenio Siller), a dance instructor and was also a single dad. Aurora and Vanessa fell in love with Lorenzo, but just love the Aurora received from Lorenzo. This makes Vanessa jealous and angry, since Vanessa is always trying to separate Aurora and Lorenzo. One way is done by Vanessa to separate Aurora and Lorenze, is a way to trap them both on Aurora anniversary of the twenty which executed in a lavish party. At the birthday party, Federico Álvarez de Toledo kissed Aurora, and with business Vanessa, the incident was witnessed by Lorenzo.

The incident at the birthday party, make Lorenzo felt betrayed by the Aurora, although Aurora has declared her love, Lorenzo has not changed and Lorenzo did not want to be together again with Aurora. This makes the Aurora a broken heart and returned to her home, Aurora fainted after a quarrel with her father, Gustavo (Braulio Castillo). Then, the Aurora carried by Gustavo into a cryogenic clinic for examination. After Aurora checked, turned out to Aurora was in a state of pregnancy. The baby is a baby Aurora and Lorenzo, it is known by Gustavo. However, Gustavo has decided not to inform the Lorenzo.

Since then, Aurora had never met again with Lorenzo, but her heart was always reminded of Lorenzo, Aurora finally decided to meet Lorenzo. However, on her way to meet Lorenzo, Aurora dropped so he had to undergo treatment, in such circumstances, Aurora gave birth to a baby girl, named Blanca. Aurora situation is very severe pain and suffering, in such circumstances, Aurora called Lorenzo and said "I will always love you". After Aurora said it, Lorenzo heard a flat line and everyone into a panic. Aurora died, and frozen in a cryogenic capsule, it is the desire of Gustavo.

Similarly, a brief synopsis of the telenovela Aurora from Telenovela Pages, sorry if there is a mistake, thank you.


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